
Another treatment option is available to treat SUI. Uromedica has developed ACT®, adjustable continence therapy for women and ProACT™, adjustable continence therapy for men. ACT and ProACT are minimally invasive, adjustable treatment options designed to help patients reclaim their continence.

Minimally invasive procedure designed to treat male patients who have stress urinary incontinence (SUI) as a result of radical prostatectomy (RP) or transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Commercially available in the U.S.A.

Minimally invasive procedure designed to treat female patients who have stress urinary incontinence (SUI) resulting from intrinsic sphincter deficiency (ISD).
Caution – The Uromedica ACT system is an INVESTIGATIONAL DEVICE, LIMITED BY FEDERAL (OR UNITED STATES) LAW TO INVESTIGATIONAL USE. The ACT System is not available for sale in the United States. The Uromedica ACT system has received European CE Mark approval, Canadian licensing, and is listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods for treatment of stress urinary incontinence and is available for sale in Europe, Canada and Australia.

ProACT balloons are designed to be placed using a sheath via two small incisions compared to an invasive open procedure.

No surgery required to make adjustments. ProACT can be adjusted postoperatively in an office setting. This allows the physician to fine tune the device to best meet each individual patient’s continence needs.

Patient ease of use is very important that’s why ProACT is a passive therapy. No patient manipulation of the device is required, including for voiding to occur.

If an adverse event occurs requiring explant, ProACT can be easily removed in your physician’s office. Alternative therapies require an additional invasive surgery to remove. No complicated removal is necessary for ProACT.
Important Safety Info: The potential risks with the ProACT implant procedure include perforation, migration, erosion, infection, and other risks. If an infection occurs at the implant site, it can be treated with antibiotics. If a more serious side effect occurs (e.g., perforation, migration, erosion), ProACT can be completely removed in an office setting. See ProACT Safety Information Sheet for further safety information.Your Doctor is your best source for further information on the risks and benefits of ProACT.
For any additional questions contact Uromedica.

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